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Wix Support

Wix Updates & Maintenance Packages.

Get Priority Wix Help With Affordable Wix Support Plans From Starting Gate Marketing.


3 Wix Support Plans

All plans include ANYTHING you need to add or change on your website.

ALL Plans include: Product Additions, Blog Posts, New Services, Events, Page Additions, Forms & MORE!

Excludes Velo Coding, Content Management Systems & SEO - all quoted separately.

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Save Up To 40% Off Our Hourly Rate of $150

Pay Annually & Save More!

As a top Wix Agency Partner, Starting Gate Marketing has special access to advanced Wix support and Wix hotline, greatly reducing wait time to resolve issues.


In the case of more complex issues, Starting Gate Marketing has a dedicated account manager to expedite issues. 

We meet regularly with Wix Product managers to provide feedback on their products, and is often called upon to test new products prior to their national rollout. 

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Bronze Plan:
5 Hours Per Year 

Save 10% off Hourly Rate

Just $56.25 Per Month

Pay Annually & Save $75

Ideal for:

  • Adding Sections to Pages

  • Text Updates

  • Photo & Gallery Updates

  • Updating Existing Pages

  • Functionality Questions

  • Domain Support

Additional hours billed at $135 per hour.

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Silver Plan:
10 Hours Per Year 

Save 20% off Hourly Rate

Just $120 Per Month

Pay Annually & Save $240

Ideal for:

  • New Pages

  • Blog Posting

  • New Forms

  • Adding Booking Services

  • Adding New Products

Additional hours billed at $120 per hour.

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Gold Plan:
20 Hours Per Year 

Save 30% off Hourly Rate

Just $175 Per Month

Pay Annually & Save $350

Ideal for:

  • Sites with 10 + Pages

  • Content Management Systems

  • eCommerce Sites

  • Multiple Websites

  • Advanced Sites

Additional hours billed at $105 per hour.

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